
Corrosion Principles and Control Technology

هـد ف البرنامج

In this program, the participants will handle Principles, Techniques, and applications of corrosion controls such as cathodes Protection, Coating, Corrosion Inhibitors, Environmental control,  Improved design, etc…


Inspection, corrosion, process Engineering in petroleum and chemical industries.

الإطـار العام

  • Introduction.
  • Fundamentals of corrosion.
  • Corrosion types.
  • Corrosion forms.
  • Corrosion control by design improving:

–  Simplifying the forms.

–  Avoiding the residual moisture.

–  Avoiding the galvanic corrosion.

  • Corrosion control by change of metal:

–  Change of composition.

–  Change of structure.

–  Change of stress condition.

  • Corrosion control by change in the corrosive medium :

–  Removal of corrosive constituents.

–  Addition of corrosion retarding substances.

  • Corrosion control by change of the electrode potential :

–  Cathodic protection.

–  Anodic protection.

المدة الزمنية

مدة البرنامج: اسبوع
تاريخ البدء
مقر الـــــدورة
19/ 7  /2025 الإســـــكندرية
2025/10/18 القـــــــــاهــــــــــــــــــــــــرة

رسم الإشتراك950 دولار

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