
Crude Oil Production Optimization

هـد ف البرنامج

To illustrate the production Optimization systems and Techniques


Petroleum Production Engineers and Production Technicians

الإطـار العام

  • Production systems Analysis .
  • Reservoir performance: well performance equation, predicting present time IPR’S for oils wells, predicting future IPR’S for oil wells predicting present time IPR’S for Gas wells, predicting future IPR’S for Gas wells, and well completion effects .
  • Flow in Pipes and restrictions: basic equations and concepts, fluid property calculations, well flow correlations, Pipeline flow correlations pressure drop through restrictions, Eros ional velocity.
  • Total Systems Analysis : tubing size selections, flowing size effect, effect of simulation . system Analysis for wells with restrictions evaluating completion effects , nodal analysis of injection wells, effect of depletion, relating performance to time, and analyzing multi well systems.
  • Artificial lift Design : continuous flow Gas lift, submersible Pumps selection, sucker rod Pumping, and hydraulic Pumping .

المدة الزمنية

مدة البرنامج: اسبوع
تاريخ البدء
مقر الـــــدورة
10/ 5 /2025 القاهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرة
2025/9/27 القاهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرة

رسم الإشتراك1300 دولار

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