
Heat Exchanger selectivity applications

هـد ف البرنامج

To provide an introduction to thermal and mechanical design methods for tube and shell heat exchangers. Special emphasis is placed on interaction between mechanical aspects and process requirements in the thermal and hydraulic design of heat exchangers.


All engineers and technical members of heat exchanger operations, inspection, and repair. Who have had limited exposure in this area, or for professionals involved in other areas of the petroleum industry who require a comprehensive overview of heat exchangers.

الإطـار العام


  • Heat exchanger types and design
  • Description of heat exchanger types.
  • Definition and quantitative relationships for heat exchanger.
  • Double pipe heat exchanger selection and design.
  • Shell and tube heat exchangers-single phase flow selection and design.
  • Condensers selection and design.
  • Evaporators selection and design.
  • Plate heat exchanger selection and design.
  • Air cooled heat exchanger selection and design.
  • Compact heat exchanger selection and design.

المدة الزمنية

مدة البرنامج: اسبوع
تاريخ البدء
مقر الـــــدورة
31/ 5 /2025 القاهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرة
2025/12/06 القاهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرة

رسم الإشتراك1300 دولار

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